Is the membership on completely free?

Are there any subscriptions or financial obligarions for the membership?


How much is a Coin?

A Deposit of me has been canceled, do I now lose purchased Videos?


Can I download purchased videos of Laila-Banx?

How often can I view my purchased videos of Laila-Banx?


What Features are there and how much do they cost?


Can I pay with Coins in the Shop?

I want something of Laila-Banx, that is not listed in the shop?

My orderd product is faulty. What should I do?

My item is has not been delivered. What should I do?

How do I receive my Custom Video?

WhatsApp Premium Subscriptions

What do I get in the WhatsApp Premium Subscriptions?

Can I cancel WhatsApp Premium Subscriptions at any time?

Support & Help

Who can I contact if I have errors or problems?